I was recently interviewed by Tim Bourquin at traderinterviews.com-- here's how he describes the interview:
In this interview he talks about exactly what he looks for in great option trades. The essence of his strategy, which he discusses in detail, is to find options that have "mis-priced premium." He simply finds options that are overpriced and sells them or underpriced and buys them. Easy enough, but how can he tell? He explains it during our discussion. Steven also uses chart pattern setups to find breakouts in equities and indexes and then trades those patterns using the options. I ask him specifically how he decides which options to buy or sell (which expiration, strike price, etc.) and how he decides his profit targets and stop losses. We also discuss a specific trade he executed - a bull put spread - which will give you a clear example of how he finds all his trades. Finally, he'll talk about why he wants to take the other side of your trade. It's an interesting ending to a very specific interview on trading options for a living.
You can listen to the interview here.