I have an email problem.
I've been blogging for a few years now, and have run a trading service for 18 months. And since my email address is available to the public, I get a lot of questions about options.
And I love questions, but I keep getting the same one over and over again:
Where do I start?
There is a definite need for traders and investors to incorporate options into their trading strategies. And the information is out there-- but I've found that it's not taught properly.
That's where OptionFu comes in.
If you are completely new to options and don't know where to start, this is for you. OptionFu is an online video course that will teach you how to properly trade options. You will go beyond the basic definitions and develop a mental framework that you will use when structuring option trades, which is a skill that very few actually have been taught.
In my premium trading service, we run a weekly show called "Happy Hour," which is an hour long webinar going over advanced option topics. I've been learning over the past year what works best when teaching traders, and OptionFu will give you the best learning techniques that I've developed over time.
What you can do.
OptionFu is being released later this month, but I want to keep you updated with how things are going. So I've got an OptionFu newsletter that you can signup for-- it's not just updates, but you will get all sorts of free goodies:
- sample videos
- free pdf worksheets and guides
- A Covered Call portfolio manager
- playbook trades
- an exclusive webinar later this month
- early bird access and discounts
These are only going to be available to those on the email list, and there's plenty of bonuses coming later this month.
If you're interested and want to become a better options trader, go here to get signed up, I hope to see you on the other side!